Tips and Tricks


Use %j-PROJECT.out for output files

When a slurm job is submitted, the job number is printed to the screen. With this naming scheme it is easy to see which outfile is which and if you’re using a terminal you can copy the job number, paste it in the terminal window, and press tab to autofill the rest of the file name.

Create general scripts

If you often run the same command with different input files as is common with python, create a general slurm script that takes in a file path and passes it to that command. For example:

#SBATCH --job-name=autoencoder
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20
#SBATCH --output=script_outputs/%j-autoencoder.out
#SBATCH --partition=general

# script from commandline

# load required packages
module purge
module load TensorFlow/2.6.0-foss-2021a
module load scikit-learn/0.24.2-foss-2021a
module load matplotlib/3.4.2-foss-2021a

# run script
python3 -u $script
echo Finished

Then run sbatch scripts/ PYTHON_SCRIPT from your project directory. This method can also be used to pass arguments to commands as anything after sbatch is passed to the script.


Use the -u flag

By default python bufferes its outputs. If you use print() for debugging, it may be helpful to have output displayed imediately instead of being buffered